


ランタナ  Lantana

2011.11.16 Wednesday

咲かせていました。ランタナの実は鳥が好んで食べ、それに よって種が散布されます。ランタナの種は

 Lantana bloomed beautifully in this cold morning. Many kinds of birds like to eat the fruits of the flower, and the habitation area of the plants is enlarged by the birds. For birds the fruits are non-toxicity but for mammals they are toxic. Do you know the reason of it?


今日のことば  Today’s   words

To Father De La Croix
                                                                   St. Charles,  August, 1842

  I live in solitude and am able to employ all my time in going over the past and in preparing for the death; but I cannot put away the thought of the Indians, and in my ambition I fly to the Rockies. I can only adore the designs of God in depriving me of the object of my desires.

                                                                           Philippine Duchesne